Ini DIa Foto-Foto Unik Gaya Kepala Misah di Seluruh Dunia - Berasal di Amerika, horsemaning/foto kepala misah, semakin banyak orang di seluruh dunia sekarang mengadopsi aktivitas hiburan baru sebagai Horsemaning yang seperti ditembak/memenggal tapi terlihat lebih menyenangkan. Berikut adalah pics yang paling aneh dan mengejutkan dari horsemaning dari seluruh dunia.
In Paris

In Belgium

In Budapest

In Holland

In Melbourne, Australia

In Paris

In Belgium

In Budapest

In Holland

In Melbourne, Australia

In Turkey

In Thailand

In Thailand

Still In Thailand

At The Nike Store

At The Nike Store

In Fischamend, Austria

On Google+

On Google+

At Cold Stone Cremery

At The Exotic Huffington Post Offices (NYC)

At The Exotic Huffington Post Offices (NYC)

At The MTV Offices (Times Square, NYC)

At A Deli (Location Unknown)

At A Deli (Location Unknown)

On The Beach (South Of France)

On The Radio

On The Radio

In The Style Of The 18th Century

At NBC Studios (NYC)

At NBC Studios (NYC)

At BuzzFeed HQ (Soho, NYC)

On The Planet Kamino?

On The Planet Kamino?

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